Village Sounds

Ziggy Ramo

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“Ziggy’s going straight to the jugular… He’s not saying shit you don’t know. He’s telling you stuff you know, and if you feel weird about that, that’s on you.” – Remi

To say Ziggy Ramo’s voice is an important one in the Australian hip hop scene would be a gross understatement – over a very short period it’s become as integral as peers like Briggs and Remi. At a time when artists like A.B. Original are (quite rightly) swinging sledgehammers in their efforts to expose Indigenous issues in this country, Ziggy is right there beside them with a cut-throat razor, slicing deep into the heart of race relations in modern Australia.

For bookings contact Andy Gumley –

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Village Sounds is the leading domestic booking agency representing the live touring of Australasian artists. Since its inception in 1999, the agency has focused on nurturing artist’s careers across all genres. The agency prides itself on long lasting relationships built through trust, respect, hard work & enjoyment, values which are reflected through our office culture, and the clients we represent.

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