Village Sounds

D.C. Maxwell

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D.C. Maxwell is an alt-country singer-songwriter from Tāmaki Makaurau.

With the frenetic energy of a punk preacher, Maxwell puts a new spin on the 1970s outlaw country of Lee Hazlewood and Townes Van Zandt.

A troubadour, a magnetic performer, but foremost a storyteller, Maxwell’s live show see’s him physically embody each of his song’s characters with passion. The mosaic of his songs creates a world of love and loss in roadside motel rooms, and the inner lives of small town dreamers majestic as the plains

Called “indisputably one of Tāmaki Makaurau’s hottest rising talents” by Under the Radar magazine in 2022.

His debut album Lone Rider out now via Danger Collective records.

D.C. Maxwell is the former front-man of punk band Roidz (Danger Collective Records) active from 2016-2019 and known for their electrifying live performances.

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Village Sounds is the leading domestic booking agency representing the live touring of Australasian artists. Since its inception in 1999, the agency has focused on nurturing artist’s careers across all genres. The agency prides itself on long lasting relationships built through trust, respect, hard work & enjoyment, values which are reflected through our office culture, and the clients we represent.

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