Village Sounds


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A leader in the electronic world – Seekae have released three studio albums, the latest ‘The Worry’ via Future Classic, which saw the band take out FBi’s SMAC – song of the year ‘Test & Recognise’ & the album nominated for a J Award & Australian Music Prize. Seekae have recently released news single ‘Turbine Blue’. Recent shows include a sold out Sydney Opera House, a run of sold out headline album tour dates & major festival around the world + at home including Splendour In The Grass & Laneway Festival.

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Village Sounds is the leading domestic booking agency representing the live touring of Australasian artists. Since its inception in 1999, the agency has focused on nurturing artist’s careers across all genres. The agency prides itself on long lasting relationships built through trust, respect, hard work & enjoyment, values which are reflected through our office culture, and the clients we represent.

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