Village Sounds

No Mono

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Following their heart-stopping collaborations and record-breaking performances via #1 Dads, Tom Snowdon and Tom Iansek formed the sonically immersive project No Mono. Having released debut album Islands part 1 in 2018, they played Splendour In The Grass and the Sydney Opera House in their first 12 months as a band.

Armed with Snowdon’s idiosyncratic vocals, the two Toms are set to release follow-up Islands part 2 in June 2019. It’s full of mountainous synthesizers, contortionist melodies and overwrought beats, acting to complement and expand on their haunting debut as the more energetic big sister.

For bookings contact Andy Gumley –

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Village Sounds is the leading domestic booking agency representing the live touring of Australasian artists. Since its inception in 1999, the agency has focused on nurturing artist’s careers across all genres. The agency prides itself on long lasting relationships built through trust, respect, hard work & enjoyment, values which are reflected through our office culture, and the clients we represent.

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